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Post-Pandemic E-Commerce Expectations: What Are Online Shoppers Looking For?

The definitive nudge for e-commerce to reach the forefront of the market arose from the global pandemic’s restrictions on in-person interactions. This huge spike in demand and prominence has prompted e-commerce dealers to rack their think tanks for an answer to one burning question: what do consumers want now? No doubt, they expect a higher caliber of service due to increased dependency on online infrastructure for shopping. What lies beyond the surface-level demand, however? Through this article, we’ll take a deep dive into the market pulse of the e-commerce field in 2022 and decipher its demands.

A Modern Marketplace

With vaccinations and relaxations of lockdowns becoming more commonplace, there’s a noticeable pattern in the demand surge for e-commerce product deliveries. Let’s look at the primary factors that are shaping customer opinions of late.

– Better Efficiency in Logistics: Ever since most of the consumers turned to e-marts for their groceries, streamlined delivery has been on the table as a consistent demand. Efficiency in delivery is a dealbreaker for many consumers, especially on essential goods with a low shelf life. Focusing on a strong operational network is key for success in the field.

– Digital platform integration: Shopping exclusively on e-commerce sites like Amazon has fallen by the wayside post-pandemic. Nowadays, a significant chunk of e-commerce traffic comes from portals like Instagram’s Shop interface. With affiliate marketing rising in popularity, it’s imperative that business owners create an interconnected network bringing their social and e-commerce ecosystems together.

– Accessible & competent customer service: The high volume of orders being placed in most e-commerce sites necessitates adequate customer support. Everyone wants their orders dealt with front and center for an ideal e-shopping experience. Smaller e-commerce businesses were able to slip by with chatbots and simple solutions, but the sheer demand nowadays invalidates those methods. A proper customer support team is crucial.

– Cross-platform optimization: Experts in the digital field swear by the importance of optimizing your websites for mobile browsing. People are back on the move with pandemic relaxations, which means more screen time and activity on their mobiles. Having a custom mobile storefront can make a world of difference in reeling in new customers for your e-commerce establishment.

– Tailored suggestions: Customers don’t just want to shop fast online, they also want to shop smart. Instead of painstakingly searching for every item in a vast catalog and adding them to the cart, why not have a subtle algorithm that suggests similar products? A simple UI/UX element optimization can go a long way in boosting customer satisfaction from browsing your online storefront. It may not have a tangible benefit, but the numbers don’t lie in terms of customer satisfaction!

– Commerce with a conscience: Social media has doubled up as an avenue for awareness and significant activism, bolstered by the pandemic. Your store’s public image and digital footprint can impact your sales, so put in the extra effort to keep your operations as eco-friendly and sustainable as possible. It’s a win-win for you because it also builds customer trust in your brand!

– Reward Programs: E-commerce is booming, but more out of necessity than desire. The stigma associated with splurging online still holds sway over the public to some degree. If you want to encourage shopping and draw more sales, a reward/membership program can work wonders! It incentivizes shopping and activity on your portal, creating an organic ecosystem for your online trade to flourish!

Ever-Evolving E-Commerce

The points above should offer some perspective on the current state of the e-commerce sector and customer demands. Adapting to meet these demands in the flow is crucial to sustaining growth in a sector this competitive. What are some of your strategies to build an e-commerce business in this market? Feel free to suggest them below!

Ravenan Team

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